Does my kid require root canal treatment, is it recommended for my kid?

As a Kids Dentist in Singapore, we have seen many parents ask the dentist this question. Root canal treatment is safe and recommended to prevent teeth from being lost due to any decay or injury. For kids the baby teeth fall before 12 and in some cases, it would be better to keep the teeth instead of removing them. The baby teeth help in many ways; they help with speech, eating, and permanent teeth position. Without the baby teeth to guide, the permanent teeth may develop out of alignment.

When this is left untreated, it may lead to an orthodontics procedure at a later stage. Your dentist will recommend the procedure based on the careful examination and severity of the case, your child's age, the damaged tooth, and the depth of damage taken into consideration. Learn more about the treatment procedures for your kids by booking an appointment with Coast Dental Clinic at Katong.